Friday, July 20, 2018

Kresna Wayang Kulit Bali

Kresna Wayang Kulit Bali 1

Kresna Wayang Kulit Jawa  2

In Indonesia, the story of Krishna that comes from Mahabharata, Hariwangsa, and Purana has been adapted and then converted into kakawin, among others Kakawin Kresnayana and Kakawin Hariwangsa. Both tell the story of Kresna's wedding with Rukmini, the daughter of the Widarba kingdom. In addition, there is also Kakawin Bhomantaka, which tells the war between Krishna and Bhoma giants.
In Indonesia, the Mahabharata are also raised into puppet shows, with adaptations and changes as necessary. In Javanese wayang culture, the figure of Krishna is known as the king of Dwarawati (Dwaraka), the kingdom of the Yadu descendants and is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Krishna is the son of Basudewa, King of Mandura (Mathura). He was born as the second son of three siblings (in the Mahabharata version he was the eighth son). Her sister was named Baladewa (Balarama, aka Kakrasana) and her sister was known as Sembadra (Subadra), married by Arjuna, her mother's cousin. Krishna has three wives and three children. The wives are Dewi Jembawati, Dewi Rukmini, and Dewi Satyabama. According to puppet, his children are Raden Boma Narakasura, Raden Samba, and Siti Sundari.

Copyright Image/ Source Flickr
Alain Secretan (ASITRAC)

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