Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wayang Kulit Bali Mahabharata And Ramayana

Wayang Kulit Bali "Ramayana" upper and "Mahabharata" lower 1
Wayang Kulit Cupak 2
wayang kulit cupak 3

Wayang Cupak: Wayang Cupak is a quite rare wayang show in Bali. Figures and theme of the story of Wayang Cupak taken from the folklore of Cupak Grantang that developed in Bali. The Wayang Cupak show is a show that is entertainment. This puppet show is quite popular in Tabanan regency.

Copyright Image Flickr
Meg Williams2009
Ubud Bali,Indonesia

thank you so much for mother
Meg Williams2009
hopefully healthy always and increase his fortune

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