Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wayang Kulit Lombok Sasak

Wayang Kulit Lombok
Wayang Kulit Sasak is a leather puppet that develops in Lombok, which basically takes on the Menak story whose story comes from the story of Amir Hamsah, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. The distribution area can generally be found in the province of West Nusa Tenggara.

It is called Sasak because its manufacture is from Sasak ethnicity. The Sasak wayang sculptor to this day is Amak Rahimah. In the past Sasak puppets were used to preach Islam on the island of Lombok. Now exhibited and for traditional ceremonies, for example in the Malang community in Gerung sub-district, West Lombok district. Sasak wayang forms are similar to Gedog wayang kulit. The Sasak wayang kulit collection at the Wayang Museum was made in 1925. The Sasak wayang story tells the story of Amir Hamzah (uncle of the Prophet Muhammad). Amir Hamzah in Sasak wayang kulit, his name was changed according to the name of Indonesia (Java), namely Wong Agung Menak Jayengrana. Guidelines used in Javanese letters, taken from Yosodipura's Menak fiber.

Copyright Image Flickr
Meg Williams2009
Ubud Bali,Indonesia
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