Saturday, July 21, 2018



Blencong in pedalangan term refers to an illumination tool for wayang performance in the past using coconut oil. This blencong-shaped lamps are shaped like Jatayu birds, some are shaped like piggy banks with left and right wings. Blencong is made of carved wood or bronze, with a hole in the middle to put oil and has a fuse facing toward the screen.
Blencong is a lighting tool that serves to turn the shadow puppet in the screen / screen. Puppets that have basic gold prada paint will look more alive. Similarly, the shadows produced when viewed from behind the screen will look more artistic. The wind blowing against the blencong axis will bring its own effect on the puppets being performed by a dalang.

The traditional light source for an Indonesian shadow play (Wayang Kulit) is a coconut-oil lamp named blentjong.
The one shown here is from Java and part of my own collection.

Copyright Image/ Source Flickr
Alain Secretan(ASITRAC)
Central java,Indonesia
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