Sunday, July 22, 2018

Patih Prasta

Patih Prasta

The Ramayana version refers to Prahasta as the eldest son of Sumali, the king of the Rakshasa of the Kingdom of Alengka. He has a sister named Kaikesi who gave birth to Ravana. Under Rahwana's rule, Prahasta acts as a senior official who often gives advice to his niece in running the wheels of government.
When the kingdom of Alengka was attacked by the Wanara people led by Sri Rama, Prahasta advanced as a commander to face them. The war broke out because Rama's wife Sinta was kidnapped by Ravana. The Advice of Prahasta to have Sita restored is not at all obeyed by Ravana. Prahasta was forced to advance war to defend his homeland attacked by the enemy, not to defend Ravana.
Prahasta finally died at the hands of a Wanara officer named Nila. Through the fierce battle Nila successfully destroy the body Prahasta using a huge rock clump.

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Desa Tejakula
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