Thursday, July 26, 2018

Puri Agung Peliatan

Puri Agung Peliatan

Puri Agung Peliatan
History Peliatan CastlePuri Agung Peliatan is one of the old castles in Bali that stood since the 17th century.
According to some chapters and research of foreign nations, Ubud in the XVII century still consists of rice fields and shrubs, and forest. A small part already inhabited by a population consisting of Kuwu-kuwu (the Cabin), they inhabit the territories, Jungut, Taman and Bantuyung. Still a territory of the kingdom of Sukawati which stood around 1710, with its first king named Sri Aji Maha Sirikan, Sri Aji Wijaya Tanu.
With the success of the formation of the reigning authority in Sukawati, the court's followers were then sent in the late 1700s to secure the area of ​​Ubud. A pair of cousins ​​form a rival community in Padang Tegal and further north in the Park area. After the ensuing battle between the neighboring villages of King Sukawati sends his brothers Tjokorde Ngurah Tabanan to Peliatan and Tjeban Tangkeban for Sambahan to build the palace with the idea of ​​controlling the troubled areas.
Despite the initial feudal struggle between the Peliatan and Mengwi kingdoms, the two overcame their differences after the battle that was said to have involved magical powers. After that, people from Mengwi were moved to help fill Ubud and during the late 1800s the whole region began to flourish with abundant supply of rice and a booming economy.
you can know the history of the kingdom in the peliatan and every Saturday & Sunday usually there is a typical dance peliatan.

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Meg Williams2009
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