Monday, July 23, 2018



Rahwana, a king of Alengka from Ramayana. The mask is used in dances for festival of Galungan and Kunigan

In the story, he is King of Alengka, as well as Rakshasa or the devil, thousands of years ago.
Rawana is depicted in art with ten heads, indicating that he has knowledge in the Vedas and literature. Having ten heads he was given the name "Dasamukha" (दशमुख, tenfold), "Dasagriva" (दशग्रीव, ten necked) and "Dasakanta" (दशकण्ठ, ten thorn). He also has twenty hands, showing infinite pride and willpower. He is also said to be a great knight.

Copyright Image Flickr
Meg Williams2009
Ubud Bali,Indonesia
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