Sunday, July 22, 2018


Indonesia has several adaptations from Ramayana, including Kakawin Ramayana from Java, and Ramakavaca from Bali (Indonesia). The Java version of Ramayana has some differences when compared to the original Hindu version. The first half of Kakawin Ramayana is similar to the original Sanskrit version, while the second half is very different from the original Ramayana. One of the modifications that can be recognized in the Javanese version of Ramayana is the entry of the indigenous god of Java, Semar, and their disabled children, Gareng, Petruk, and Bagong who form four numerically significant Punokawan or "clown waiters". Kakawin Ramayana is believed to have been written in Central Java around the year 870 AD during the reign of Mpu Sindok in the Medang Kingdom. Kakawin Ramayana Java is not based on the Valmiki epic, which later became the most famous version of Rama's story, but based on Ravanavadha or "Ravana massacre", which is a poetry of the sixth or seventh century by Bhattikavya Indian poet.
Kakawin Ramayana also became a reference Ramayana on the neighboring island of Bali that developed Ramakavaca Bali. The bas reliefs of the Ramayana and Krishnayana scenes were carved on the railings of the 9th-century temple wall of Prambanan in Yogyakarta, as well as in the relief of the 14th century Penataran temple in East Java. In Indonesia, Ramayana has been integrated into local culture, especially Javanese, Balinese and Sundanese, and has been a source of moral and spiritual guidance and aesthetic expression as well as for entertainment, as in traditional wayang and dance. The Balinese dance of kecak drama, for example, represents a story taken from the Ramayana episode, where dancers who play Rama, Sita, Lakhsmana, Jatayu, Hanuman, Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Indrajit, performed and surrounded by a group of over 50 bare-chested men who served as chorus chant "cak". The show also included a fire show to illustrate the burning of Lanka by Hanuman. In Yogyakarta, the Wayang Wong Javanese dance drama also features Javanese rendering of the Ramayana episode. The most spectacular Ramayana show in Java is the Ramayana Ballet which is played on the open stage of Trimurti Prambanan, with the background of the three main prasads of the Hindu temple of Prambanan

Copyright Image/ Source Flickr
Jnjon Pascua

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