Saturday, July 21, 2018

Srimpi Pandhelori

Srimpi Pandhelori 1

Srimpi is a repertoire of classical Javanese dance from the court tradition of Sultanate of Mataram and continued preservation and development until now by four heirs palaces in Central Java (Surakarta) and Yogyakarta.
The presentation of dance performances is characterized by four dancers performing a graceful motion depicting modesty, refinement, and gentleness shown from the slow and graceful movements accompanied by the sound of gamelan music. Srimpi is considered to have similar social positions with Pakarena dance from Makasar, ie in terms of the tenderness of the dancers' movements and as the palace dances.

Srimpi Pandhelori 2


Beksan Srimpi Pandelori tells the battle of the Dyah Sirtupeli daughter of Sri Karsinah who is riding the Garuda Bird flying in the sky looking for the existence of her husband The Ambyah imprisoned by King Kanyun in Parangakik. Conquered Parangakik, the younger brother of the Parangakik King named Kusuma Sudarawerti, wanted to help remove the Ambyah from prison despite his older brother opposed. But he tried his hardest because in a dream, Sudarawerti feel there is a wangsit that the Amanda will be her husband. Furthermore there was a marriage after the Amanda was released from prison. And when the Dyah Sirtupelahi met with Kusuma Sudarawerti there was war. Because none of them are invincible, eventually all acknowledge and agree to be together and accept the Amendah to be her husband together.

Srimpi Pandhelori
Copyright Image/ Source Flickr
Tjahjono Rahardjo
Kauman, The City of Culture Indonesia
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