Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wayang Kulit Babad

Wayang Kulit Babad
The Babad Wayang is the newest Balinese creations of leather puppets and is therefore still looking for self-identity. Although the structure of the puppet show and its dialogue forms still refers to the traditional Balinese wayang pattern, except for its bondres figures, the play is the story of Balinese history or Babad, the source of the play from the Bali Mask.
This puppet was first created and performed in 1988 by I Gusti Ngurah Serama Semadi as the final project in completing the artist program at Pedalangan STSI Denpasar. It is said that the creation of this Babad Wayang got inspiration from the Wayang Topeng performance by puppeteer I Made Sidja from Bona village. In 1995 I Ketut Agus Supartha performed similar puppets with the richer interpretation, arrangement and development of staging. While the play that was sung is still sourced from the story of Babad, the mastermind of Ketut Partha performs with the Semar Pagulingan gamelan which is aligned with pelog. In 1966, Ketut Ciptadi also featured the Babad Wayang as the final task in completing the Bachelor (S1) program in Pedalangan majors at STSI Denpasar. The number of Babad Wayang players is almost the same as Tantric wayang, 17 (seventeen) people, namely:

1 dalang
2 maids
14 (fourteen) Semar Pagulingan gamelan musicians who have been modified for staging the shadow puppets, without trompong and other instrument reductions.
The appearance of the Babad Wayang, in addition to enriching and enlivening the art of Balinese perwayangan, also brings important innovations, especially in the play. With Wayang Babad Balinese people can witness the story of the journey of the ancestors through the puppet show

Copyright Image Flickr
Meg Williams2009
Ubud Bali,Indonesia
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thank you so much for mother
Meg Williams2009
hopefully healthy always and increase his fortune

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