Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wayang Suket

Wayang Suket

Wayang Suket close up
           Wayang suket is an artificial form of various leather puppets made of grass (Javanese: suket). Wayang suket is usually made as a game tool or story telling story to children in Javanese villages.
To make it, a few leaves of grass leaves are woven and then strung together (by folding) to form similar figures of wayang kulit. Because the material, wayang suket usually do not last long.
The artist from Tegal, Slamet Gundono, is known as the figure who tried to lift the puppet suket at the stage stage performance.

           Even if you call the puppet suket, now it is attached to the puppet show Slamet Gundono graduated STSI Pedalangan who is now settled in Solo. Wayang Suket slamet Gundono, originally provided puppets made of suket, but Slamet Gundono relies more on the theatrical elements and the power of storytelling. In staging the wayang suketnya, Slamet Gundono using some musical instruments consist of gamelan, picking tools, inflatable and some other traditional musical instruments.
          Slamet is also assisted by several guitarists, dancers who doubles as a player, to complete the show. The stage settings change according to the theme specified.
Media tells Slamet Gundono not only using wayang suket but also wayang kulit and sometimes use the leaves to be made wayang puppets.

          Greatness speak (storyteller) dalang this one is no doubt. Many young Dalang people praised the ability to speak Slamet Gundono. For example Ki Sigit Ariyanto; "Jangkan with wayang, with broken tile or plastic flakes Gundono can mendalang well". Even according to Ki Bambang Asmoro, with the existing media, Slamet Gundono can lead the audience into a deeper imagination, so the spirit or essence of the puppet as a shadow show of "wewayanganing aurip" becomes more meaningful and multi interpretation.

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Meg Williams2009
Ubud Bali,Indonesia
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thank you so much for mother
Meg Williams2009
hopefully healthy always and increase his fortune

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