Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wayang Beber Wonosari "Ki Remeng Mangunjoyo"

Wayang Beber Wonosari "Ki Remeng Mangunjoyo"

Wayang Beber Performed

Wayang Beber

             Wayang Beber is the art of wayang that emerged and developed on Java in pre-Islamic times and is still developing in certain regions of Java. It was named wayang beber because it was in the form of sheets (beberan) which were formed into figures in wayang stories both Mahabharata and Ramayana.
Wayang beber appeared and developed in Java Island during the Majapahit kingdom. Pictures of puppet characters are depicted on a piece of cloth or paper, then sequentially arranged scene by scene according to the story order. These pictures are played out in a way. Currently only a few circles in Dusun Gelaran, Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo Gunung Kidul, who still keep and play this beber wayang.
           It is said by the guardians of which is Sunan Kalijaga wayang beber is modified form into shadow puppets with ornament shapes that are known today, because the teachings of Islam forbid the form of images of living things (humans, animals) and statues and add Pusaka Hyang Kalimusada. Wayang results modifications of these guardians are used to spread the teachings of Islam and that we know today.
            One of the old Beber Wayang is found in the Pacitan Region, Donorojo, this puppet is held by someone who is hereditary believed to nurture it and will not be held by people of different breeds because they believe that it is a noble mandate to be nurtured. In addition to Pacitan, it is still well preserved and is played in the Gelaran Village of Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo Gunungkidul.
According to the Book of Sastro Mirudo, Wayang Beber was made in 1283, with Condro Sengkolo, Gunaning Bujonggo Nembah Ing Dewo (1283), followed by Putra Prabu Bhre Wijaya, Raden Sungging Prabangkara, in wayang beber making. Wayang Beber also contains many stories of Panji, the Story of Love Banner Asmoro Bangun who knit his love with Dewi Sekartaji Putri Jenggolo.

Copyright Image Flickr
Meg Williams2009
Ubud Bali,Indonesia

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