Saturday, July 21, 2018

Wayang Wong

Wayang Wong 1
Wayang Wong Show
Wayang Wong 2

Wayang orang is also called the wayang wong (Javanese) is a puppet that is played by using people as characters in the puppet story. Wayang orang was created by Sultan Hamangkurat I in 1731.
In accordance with the name of the title, the puppets are no longer performed by playing puppets (leather puppets usually made of buffalo leather or others), but featuring humans instead of the puppets. They wear the same clothes as the ornaments used on the shadow puppets. In order for their facial or facial shape to resemble the shadow puppets (when viewed from the side), often this person's wayang player is changed / decorated with an additional picture or painting.
The stories raised in wayang orang are based on the colossal due epic story of Mahabharata and Ramayana. The interesting thing about this puppet show is the presence of colossal or individual dance per player in every pause. In addition, wayang orang also displays the character of punakawan as a melting atmosphere which is the depiction of the state of kawulo alit or society in general and abdi dalem.
Performances of wayang orang that still exist today, one of them is wayang orang Barata (in Pasar Senen area, Jakarta), Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Taman Sriwedari Solo, Ngesti Pandawa at Taman Budaya Raden Saleh Semarang, and others.

Copyright Image/ Source Flickr
Tjahjono Rahardjo
Kauman, The City of Culture Indonesia
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