Thursday, November 15, 2018

Goa Lawah

goa lawah

candi goa lawah

ceremony goa lawah

Goa Lawah
Pura Goa Lawah is located in the village of Pesinggahan, Klungkung Regency, Bali.
The large complex of Pura Goa Lawah is located on the north side of Jalan Raya Goa Lawah main road, on the beach of Goa Lawah.
Pura Goa Lawah is sometimes included among the Sad Kahyangan Jagad, or the "six sanctuaries of the world", the six holiest places of worship on Bali.
According to Balinese beliefs, they are the pivotal points of the island and are meant to provide spiritual balance to Bali.
The number of these most sacred sanctuaries always adds up six, but depending on the region, the specific temples that are listed may vary
image milkseb

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goa lawah candi goa lawah ceremony goa lawah Goa Lawah Pura Goa Lawah is located in the village of Pesinggahan, Klungkung...