Saturday, July 21, 2018

Bedhaya Ladrang Mangungkung

Bedhaya Ladrang Mangungkung

Bedhaya Ladrang Mangungkung

The dance featured seven male soldiers carrying trident and bow. Closed, they wear a sash across the chest, necklace, shoulder plate. They were twisted in Dodot Alas's fabric-a black excuse-a symbol of rejects of turtles, birds, trees plated with gold.
The pattern of the seven enlisted choreography is constantly changing. The three trident soldiers were initially in the center, while on the right-hand side of the soldiers carrying the gandewa. Then everything moves a circle, until finally formed two parallel lines. The spear was directed forward. Arrow as if ready to be pulled ....
Over a hundred or two hundred years ago, the dance was once in the neighborhood of Pura Mangkunegaran, but no one knew what kind of dance the night looked like. It may be similar, may be different at all. Might be more mystical, or it could be a dance performed more gallantly like the sound of a song above that describes how the prince rages in all directions, the gandewa flashing like lightning. Maybe the soldiers not only carry bows and spears, but also mace, shields ....
All just speculation. The only "eyewitness" who had seen the dance a century or two ago was Kiai Kanyut Mesem, an old ensemble of gamelan that was everyday in the Mangkunegaran audience. The gamelan is believed to have been made in the 1750s and has accompanied all the sacred dances in Mangkunegaran. Now that night the gamelan (with Kiai Udan Arum) "back" to accompany.

Copyright Image/ Source Flickr/pictaram
Tjahjono Rahardjo
Kauman, The City of Culture Indonesia
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