Sunday, July 22, 2018



Stilts are traditional game tools made from 2 bamboo sticks with adult sleeve size, while for pedestal under bamboo rather large. This game is not foreign anymore, even in various regions in the know with different names different. now also has begun to be difficult to find, both in the village and in the city, Game Egrang itself has been around since time immemorial and is a game that requires skill and balance the body.
Stilts are Indonesian traditional games that are not yet known exactly where they come from, but can be found in different regions with different names such as: parts of West Sumatra with the name of the Tengkak-tengkak from the word Tengkak (lame), Ingkau which in Bengkulu means shoes bamboo and in Central Java with the name Jangkungan derived from the name of long-legged birds. Stilts itself comes from the language of Lampung which means a spindle made of long bamboo beads. In Banjar in South Kalimantan is called batungkau

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Rony GP
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