Monday, July 23, 2018


Sangut, who is the figure of a noble servant
Sangut himself describes the character of "the winning defender". He will side with anyone who wins. Opportunist character
"Sangut" has no ideals or principles. Always a concern is his own security and self-interest

Sangut version of wayang kulit
Sangut is one of the leading figures of the punakawan (Balinese: parĂªkan) in the traditions of puppets in Bali. In the puppet, Sangut is described as a yellow-faced and yellow-skinned. Among the punakawan, his body is the skinniest but his stomach is big. In puppet shows he often appears with Delem and conducts a dialogue full of jokes.
Copyright Image Flickr
Meg William2009
Ubud Bali,Indonesia

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